Compensation Disclosure
How we get paid

AeFT, Inc. d/b/a PeoplesAlly does business with multiple insurance companies and normally can offer you a variety of coverage choices. As a result, we can assist you in securing the combination of coverage, price, and service that best fit your needs. This disclosure notice is intended to identify the various methods by which we are compensated and how these compensation methods are determined.
Some agencies bill service fees in addition to commission income. PeoplesAlly does not charge you any fees for placing your policy, except, when quoted, a fee for the filing of surplus lines taxes, if required.
We are compensated on a commission basis by the insurance company that writes your insurance. This commission percentage is set by the company, not by us, and is included as a part of the insurance premium you pay.
PeoplesAlly may also be eligible to receive various forms of incentive compensation, including contingent commissions and other awards and bonuses. This incentive compensation is based upon a variety of factors that may include the volume, growth, profitability, and retention of business we place or other performance measures established by the individual insurers with whom we do business. It is usually impossible to know at the time we place any individual policy whether that policy will contribute to, or detract from, our potential eligibility for future additional compensation from any insurer.
We assure every client and every prospective client that our decisions with respect to placement of your insurance have always been and will continue to be guided by the best interests of our clients.
If you have any questions or if you would like additional information about any aspect of the compensation we earn on your account, please contact your client service representative.